美国冬季风暴持续 数十万人遭遇停电
【美国冬季风暴持续 数十万人遭遇停电】美国国家气象局说,近日席卷美国多地的冬季风暴已致使数十万居民遭遇停电,西北部地区的积雪厚度已达17英寸(约43.2厘米)。气象局说, 美国中部和东北部都将受到严寒天气影响,不过从周日起气温将逐步回暖。Hundreds of thousands of people are without power after a major winter storm swept across the United States. Up to 43 centimeters of snow and ice covered parts of the Northeast, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). “Bitter cold temperatures” will also span from the Southern Plains to the Ohio Valley and Northeast. Several states are under winter advisory warnings but the NWS says it should gradually start to warm up by Sunday. #北美头条#