二十三 糖瓜粘 粘住好运
#今天小年#【二十三 糖瓜粘 粘住好运】二十三,糖瓜粘。今天是农历腊月二十三,是中国北方地区的小年。按照传统,从今天起,家家户户都开始忙碌起来,打扫屋子、备年货……过年的气息也越来越浓厚。过了小年便是年,春节倒计时正式开始!The countdown to the Chinese Spring Festival has begun! Tuesday is China's Xiao Nian Festival, which usually falls on the 23rd or the 24th day of the last month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. From today onwards, every household starts to get busy, cleaning the house and preparing for the New Year's celebrations.