“天宫课堂”开课在即 神十三航天员从天宫问候同学们
【“天宫课堂”开课在即 神十三航天员从天宫问候同学们】“天宫课堂”第一课定于12月9日15:40开始,神舟十三号乘组航天员翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富将在中国空间站进行太空授课。同学们都准备好了吗?The three Shenzhou-13 crew members aboard China's space station on Monday greeted students on Earth before giving them a special space lecture scheduled for 3:40 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Thursday. In addition to showcasing their daily life and work at the space station, the taikonauts will also demonstrate some scientific phenomena.