#钱学森去世12周年#【今天,纪念钱学森!】他是中国航天事业奠基人,“两弹一星”元勋。美国人说他抵得上5个师,宁可枪毙也不让回国。遭软禁5年,他用香烟纸发出求助信,直到周恩来总理过问才得以脱身。5年归国路,10年两弹成。他说:“我的事业在中国,我的归宿在中国。”2009年的今天,钱学森逝世。铭记!Today marks the 12th anniversary of Qian Xuesen's death. Qian, a Chinese engineer in aerodynamics and rocket science, returned to China on October 8, 1955, after five years under house arrest in the U.S. Qian made great contributions to the development of the Dongfeng ballistic missile and the country's space program, which earned him the name the "Father of Chinese Rocketry."