【北美最大集装箱港口洛杉矶港面临史无前例的货物积压】当地时间10月18日,美国洛杉矶港执行董事吉恩·塞罗卡表示,由于新冠疫情继续影响着各种供应链,截至10月18日,大约有20万个装有货物的集装箱在洛杉矶海岸附近积压。随着全球大部分经济从新冠疫情中复苏,对大宗商品和货物的需求量迅速反弹,导致世界各地的港口拥挤不堪。由于没有足够的船只或集装箱可用,运输成本飙升,商品价格持续走高。然而美国官员预计进口市场要到2022年2月才会复苏。About 200,000 shipping containers are still loaded on a queue of ships off the coast of Los Angeles as various pandemic-related disruptions to supply chains continue. Unloading of cargo has slowed down due to a shortage of truck drivers and a surge in demand. Ports have increased their hours into overnight shifts, but port congestion is expected to continue into 2022 as shipping costs and commodity prices continue to rise along with global demand. #北美头条#