【#香港以本地立法方式实施国旗法国徽法#】29日,香港特区立法会三读通过《2021年国旗及国徽(修订)条例草案》。条例草案规定包括须在政府、立法会、司法机构网站首页的显著位置使用国徽图案;就国旗及国徽的收回及处置作出规定;规定不得倒挂、倒插国旗,不得倒挂国徽、不得随意丢弃国旗或国徽等;就国旗国徽的教育作出规定。The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passed the third reading of the National Flag and National Emblem (Amendment) Bill on Wednesday. The amendment clarifies the requirements of the use of the national flag and the national emblem, clarifies offenses of desecration and contains provisions for the national flag and national emblem-related education and promotion. For more: