



【调查:伦敦兰贝斯地区多所儿童护理机构曾有严重虐待儿童情况】据英媒当地时间7月27日报道,英国一项针对虐待儿童情况的历史调查发现,由伦敦南部兰贝斯地区委员会监管照顾的儿童曾遭受虐待,该委员会不仅无视当地居民对儿童遭受性虐待的投诉,还保留对儿童构成威胁的工作人员职务。这份调查主要针对兰贝斯地区的五所儿童护理之家进行。截至2020年6月,兰贝斯市议会已收到该地区705名居民针对其中三所儿童护理之家的投诉,但40多年来,只有一名高级员工受到纪律处分。调查还指出,仅针对委员会监管下最大的一所儿童护理之家——雪莉·奥克斯(已于1983年关闭),有关部门就收到了对其过往177名工作人员涉嫌虐待儿童的指控。 Lambeth Council in London was criticized for allowing sexual abuse in five care homes between the 1960s and 1990s, a damning report into decades of abuse has found. Abusers infiltrated the homes and the foster system, according to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) report. It said that of the 705 complaints made by former residents across three such facilities, only one senior member of staff was ever disciplined by the council. The report said the council received allegations of abuse against 177 members of staff at just one of the five homes – Shirley Oaks, which closed in 1983. (Photo: A screenshot of a BBC archive picture of Shirley Oaks children's home that was run by Lambeth Council)
