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一边是美国一边是墨西哥 这个"跨国跷跷板"太扎心


视频-美墨边境墙建起跷跷板 两国民众玩得很开心

原标题:一边是美国,一边是墨西哥,这个“跨国跷跷板”太扎心了 | 外媒说

来源:中国日报 公众号

近日,来自加州大学伯克利分校的建筑学教授Ronald Rael以及圣何塞州立大学副教授Virginia San Fratello,在墨西哥的华雷斯城和美国新墨西哥州之间的边境墙上,安装了三个粉红色的跷跷板。这样一来,边境两侧的居民可以一起做游戏。




He said the event was “filled with joy, excitement and togetherness at the border wall”。


The wall became a literal fulcrum for U.S。 - Mexico relations and children and adults were connected in meaningful ways on both sides with the recognition that the actions that take place on one side have a direct consequence on the other side。 

San Fratello表示,她和Rael希望,人们能够从这个行动中感受到欢乐、幸福、积极和团结,并且意识到,围栏两侧的人们都是一样的。我们希望我们的生活和我们的孩子感受到的是相同的东西。“我们要团结,而非分离。”

San Fratello says she and Rael hope, “that people will see this act of joy and happiness and positivity and togetherness and realize that we‘re all the same, on both sides of the fence。 And that we want the same things for our lives and for our children。”

“We should be together not apart,” she adds。


The Texas-based Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) also praised the border wall installation as a powerful reminder that “we are all one。”



墨西哥电视台的主持人Mauricio Martínez在推特上发帖称,这是个“美丽的提醒:我们始终相联系”。“一方发生的事情影响着另一方。”

“Beautiful reminder that we are connected,” wrote Mexican TV star Mauricio Martínez, who shared video of the seesaw installation to Twitter。 “What happens on one side impacts the other。”

2020年美国民主党总统候选人Beto O‘Rourke的拉丁语信息总监Claudia Tristán也在推特上表示,“跷跷板具有神奇的象征意义。边境墙不能让我们和邻居分离。”

“The symbolism of the seesaw is just magical,” said Claudia Tristán, the Director of Latinx Messaging for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O‘Rourke。





2006年,美国《安全围栏》法案通过后,Rael和San Fratello在美墨边境从事建筑工作时,就已经在构思这个项目了。

Rael and San Fratello began conceiving the project while doing architectural work near the border following the passage of the Secure Fence Act of 2006。 


In 2009, the two designed a concept for a binational seesaw at the border for a book, “Borderwall as Architecture,” which uses “humor and inventiveness to address the futility of building barriers,” UC-Berkeley said。


Ten years later, their conceptual drawings became reality。 Rael and his crew transported the seesaws to Sunland Park, New Mexico, separated by a steel fence from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico。

San Fratello对美国时代周刊表示,他们选择在这里安装跷跷板是因为两边的人都可以在此地轻易地靠近围栏。跷跷板被刷成粉红色是因为这个颜色“流行而且充满活力,同时也是为了纪念那些在华雷斯城妇女被杀案件中失去生命的女性”。1993年以来,华雷斯城内有数百名妇女和少女被杀害。

They chose the location because it was a place where people in either country could directly approach the fence。 The see-saws were painted hot pink to “pop and be vibrant, but also to honor the women who died during the femicides and the time of violence in Juárez,” says San Fratello, referring to the hundreds of women and girls murdered in Ciudad Juárez since 1993。


San Fratello介绍道,跷跷板是用轻质钢材制成,并且“将墙体本身作为支点,能够快速、轻松地进行安装”。“可以在一分钟内安装好。”

They are made of lightweight steel, she explains, and “designed to be installed quickly and easily using the wall itself as a fulcrum。

“We could literally set [them] up in one minute,” she says。

San Fratello称,孩子们住的地方靠近边境墙,跷跷板安装时他们就围在外面。“一旦有人来到边境墙附近,他们就会围上来与他们交流。”“当我们带着跷跷板出现的时候,他们就做好玩的准备了。”

According to San Fratello, the children lived close to the border fencing in both countries, and were already outside when the see-saws were installed。 “As soon as someone comes up to the border wall, they come up and will engage you,” she tells TIME。 “When we showed up with the teetertotters, they were there and ready to play。”



美国总统特朗普在竞选期间许诺将建造美墨边境隔离墙,此后,边境变得更为政治敏感。但San Fratello强调,她和Rael早在此之前就做过类似的项目。

Though the border has become politicized since Donald Trump was elected President following a campaign built on the promise of wall between the United States and Mexico, San Fratello emphasized that she and Rael had been doing projects like this long beforehand。 

San Fratello对《时代》周刊表示:“这些年来,我们一直在边境地区旅行,看到边境安全不断加强,隔离墙也一直在修建。”“我们开始提出这些相反的提案和评论,也算是重新思考国界意义的一种方式。”

“We had been traveling in that region and saw the increased border security and the construction of the wall over the years,” San Fratello says。 “We started to develop these counter proposals and commentary as a way of rethinking what the border is。”


While the border is quite literally a dividing line between the United States and Mexico, San Fratello says that is “also a place where people come together。 We wanted to create scenarios that would celebrate togetherness。 And also highlight the ridiculousness of the border wall。”


In a statement to TIME, a U.S。 Customs and Border Protection official says U.S。 Border Patrol agents “encountered a small group who identified themselves as local university faculty/staff at the border wall。 They had placed boards through the wall and appeared to be playing with residents of Mexico while recording the engagement。”


“Agents ensured that no people/goods were crossed during the encounter。”

Rael曾在TED演讲里说过一段话,为隔离墙的用途作出了新奇的假设——比如说,它可以用来做棒球场的围栏,或者一种巨大的工具。San Fratello表示,“老实说,(特朗普)总统任期正好能让大众关注我们所做的这些工作,”

Rael had previously given a TED Talk highlighting novel hypothetical uses for the border wall — as fencing for a baseball field, say, or as a giant instrument。 “Honestly, [Trump’s] presidency has just brought attention to the work that we’ve been doing,” San Fratello says。 


