





COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — A little before 9 a.m。 Easter Sunday, Anders Holch Povlsen, the richest man in Denmark, was having breakfast with his family at the Table One restaurant in the Shangri-La Hotel in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo。

斯里兰卡科伦坡——复活节那天,上午快到9点的时候,丹麦首富安德斯·霍尔奇·波尔森(Anders Holch Povlsen)与家人在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡香格里拉酒店的一号桌餐厅(Table One)共进早餐。

The restaurant was decorated with crates of oranges, apples and large, uncut pineapples, and the Povlsens looked out on the ocean rollers crashing into a sea wall not far away。


At the same time, Ilham Ibrahim, the son of one of Sri Lanka’s wealthiest spice traders, was heading down to Table One in an elevator。 Wearing a baseball cap and a large backpack, he stepped into the elevator with a friend wearing the same thing。 Right before the doors opened, CCTV shows, Ibrahim’s friend flashed him a long, white smile。

与此同时,伊尔哈姆·易卜拉欣(Ilham Ibrahim)正乘电梯前往一号桌,他的父亲是斯里兰卡最富有的香料商人之一。他戴着棒球帽,背着大背包,和一个打扮得一模一样的朋友一起走进电梯。监控显示,电梯门打开之前,易卜拉欣的朋友向他露出一个持久而平白的微笑。

The two families, the Povlsens and the Ibrahims, were about to intersect。


One was a billionaire in dollars。 The other, a billionaire in rupees。 One built a fortune through jeans, turtlenecks and all kinds of hip clothing。 The other, through white pepper, black pepper and all kinds of spices。


They both were well-known and admired, part of wildly successful, close-knit business families from opposite ends of the world and perhaps opposite ends of the ideological spectrum。


In an instant, five of their children — Ilham, Inshaf, Alma, Agnes and Alfred — were blown to pieces, one side slaughtered by the other。


Two of the Ibrahim sons — Ilham and his older brother, Inshaf — were among the suicide bombers behind the series of devastating attacks around the country。 Sri Lanka’s Muslims have been painfully perplexed by the question of why two of their most privileged sons would do this。


“Everybody keeps asking me that question,” said Hilmy Ahmed, vice president of the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka。 “I don’t know if there ever will be an answer。”

“每个人都在问我这个问题,”斯里兰卡穆斯林委员会(Muslim Council of Sri Lanka)副主席希尔米·艾哈迈德(Hilmy Ahmed)说。“我不知道是否会有答案。”

A week after 250 people were killed in the attacks by Islamist extremists, Sri Lanka remains in shock。 Fear is printed on so many faces。 An unnatural quiet fills areas that should be busy, like Old Moor Street in Colombo where the Ibrahims ran their spice empire from behind an unassuming storefront with a gray gate。


香料商人和卡车司机聚集在科伦坡老摩尔街易卜拉欣家族的香料企业伊沙娜旁边。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Shangri-La Hotel rises up as a sleek tower along Colombo’s scenic Galle Face drive, a 32-story rectangle of steel and bluish glass with unobstructed views of the Indian Ocean。 The Povlsens stayed here, part of a beach vacation to Sri Lanka during their children’s Easter school break。


It was Anders, the intensely private chief executive of a huge family-run fashion company called Bestseller; his wife, Anne; and their four children, ages around 5 to 15。


Alma was the oldest。 She had shared a few pictures of her trip on Instagram, but it was almost as if she were keeping her posts intentionally vague: glassy waves viewed from an empty beach, a tree canopy against a bright tropical sky, a portrait of her siblings, taken only from behind。


There may be a reason behind this。 In the late 1990s, a blackmailer trespassed on Anders’ parents’ estate and threatened to kill them if he wasn’t paid。 A few years later, kidnappers abducted a man for ransom in India, mistaking him for Povlsen。


Soren Jakobsen, a biographer who wrote about the Povlsens, said the family “has had security as their top priority for 20 years。” Anders, 46, didn’t like anyone taking his picture and avoided social media。

传记作家索伦·雅各布森(Soren Jakobsen)曾写过关于波尔森一家的书,他说“20年来,安全一直是这家人的首要任务”。46岁的安德斯不喜欢任何人给他拍照,也不用社交媒体。

安德斯·霍尔奇·波尔森(右)和妻子安妮去年在丹麦王储弗雷德里克的50岁生日派对上。 TARIQ MIKKEL KHAN/EPA, VIA SHUTTERSTOCK

The Povlsens live in a secluded, 600-year-old manor house。 They also own several castles and 220,000 acres in Scotland, which Anders has committed to “re-wilding,” as he calls it。 He is worth about $8 billion, Forbes says。


伊沙娜是易卜拉欣的家族企业。穆罕默德·易卜拉欣即使已经70岁了,仍然每天早上4点起床,不知疲倦地工作。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Mohamed Ibrahim loved to tell the story of his ring。


It was the late 1960s, and he was an uneducated teenage boy from Delthota, a small town in Sri Lanka’s lush center。 He sold his favorite ring for bus fare to get to Colombo, by himself。 He never looked back。


In the bowels of Colombo’s Muslim quarter, he slaved away as a cook, then as a vendor of onions。 Then he got into sesame and pepper。 Sack by sack, he inched up the spice trade。


Sri Lanka’s tropical climate and rich soil produce some of the world’s most desired spices。 Until last week, Ibrahim ran one of the island’s biggest spice exporters, sending 20 million pounds of pepper to India each year。


He bought and sold so much, merchants said, that he could set the price。 He also served as president of the Colombo Traders Association, lived in a million-dollar mansion on Colombo’s outskirts and kept a fleet of six cars, including a BMW。

商人们说,他的买卖量大到可以左右定价。他还担任过科伦坡贸易协会(Colombo Traders Association)主席,住在科伦坡郊区一座价值百万美元的豪宅里,拥有六辆汽车,包括一辆宝马。

Family members said Ibrahim, even at around 70, was a tireless worker, up at 4 a.m。, off to the mosque, then a simple breakfast at home。 He spent the rest of the day in his spice factory, rubbing the peppercorns between his fingers, inspecting the quality of his products。



His eldest son, Inshaf, around 35, was flashier。 He drove a new white Toyota Landcruiser and stood taller than most Sri Lankan men, about 5 feet 11 inches, with a muscular build。 Friends said he walked fast, no matter where he was going。


Years ago, at D.S。 Senanayake, considered one of Colombo’s most prestigious schools, his nickname was Kudda, or Powder, an affectionate reference to the family’s spice business。

好几年前,他在科伦坡最有声望的学校之一D·S·塞纳亚克学院(D.S。 Senanayake)就读,那时他的外号是“Kudda”,意思是“粉末”,亲昵地暗示了他的家族香料生意。

因沙夫·易卜拉欣就读于塞纳亚克学院,它被认为是科伦坡最负盛名的学校之一。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Inshaf was being groomed to take over, and his father set him up with a copper pipe factory。 A picture from 2016 shows Inshaf beaming as he and his father accept an award from a minister — one of several awards bestowed on the Ibrahims from the Sri Lankan government。


He was a handsome man, healthy looking, and sported a snug-fitting gray suit and a long wispy beard。


Ilham, the second son, around 31, was more withdrawn。 Merchants on Old Moor Street barely saw him。 It seems his job was to oversee a family pepper farm near Matale, a city a few hours away。


It’s not clear how long the Povlsens spent in Colombo: Alma’s Instagram posts indicate that she was in Sri Lanka at least four days。 One image, taken the Thursday before Easter and tagged Sri Lanka, shows three younger children, presumably her siblings, sitting at the edge of a swimming pool framed by tall palm trees。 The caption reads: “Three little darlings。”


The night before the Easter attacks, according to a family member who spoke with journalists, Inshaf told his wife he was traveling to Zambia。 As he said goodbye, he lingered an extra moment outside the car and said, “Be strong。”


复活节袭击的前一天晚上,因沙夫·易卜拉欣入住了科伦坡的肉桂大酒店。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

He then checked into the Cinnamon Grand hotel in Colombo。 His brother Ilham checked into the Shangri-La。 Inshaf used a fake identity card, but Ilham used his real identification, a decision that, after the attacks, would have additional deadly consequences。

随后他在科伦坡的肉桂大酒店(Cinnamon Grand hotel)登记入住。弟弟伊尔哈姆入住了香格里拉(Shangri-La)酒店。因沙夫用了假身份证,但伊尔哈姆用了真实身份——袭击过后,这一决定将会造成更多人丧生。

CCTV footage from the Shangri-La shows Ilham stepping into the elevator and later into the Table One restaurant with another man who has now been identified as Zaharan Hashim, the bombings’ suspected mastermind。 When the authorities figure out how they met, it will unlock a lot about what was about to unfold。

香格里拉的监控录像显示,伊尔哈姆迈入了电梯,后与另一男子步入一号桌餐厅,这名男子现身份已被认定为扎哈兰·哈希姆(Zaharan Hashim),他是爆炸案的嫌疑主谋。待当局查明他们如何相识之时,接下来讲述的许多事的谜也将随之解开。

监控画面显示,复活节那天,扎哈兰·哈希姆在香格里拉酒店的电梯里。 SIRASA TV, VIA REUTERS

It is not clear how Zaharan and Ilham met, but members of the Ibrahim extended family say Ilham was more devout than others in his family and that his young wife, Fatima, covered her entire face with a veil, unusual in Sri Lanka。


The mutual attraction makes sense: If Ilham was looking for spiritual guidance, Zaharan may have offered that。 And if Zaharan had murderous plans, then the Ibrahim family fortune could help finance them。


On Easter Sunday, the skies above Colombo were clear。 The sun beat down。 All of the major hotels — and churches — were crowded。


科伦坡的白旗,纪念复活节袭击的受害者。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Table One was filling with guests。 They sat in long rows in green cushioned chairs, the room lit by bright windows。 The food on offer included the likes of English breakfast sausages, fish curry and string hoppers (spongy rice noodles popular in Sri Lanka)。

一号桌客人很多。他们在铺着绿色坐垫的椅子上坐成长排,明亮的窗户照亮了房间。供应的餐食有英式早餐香肠、咖喱鱼和string hopper(斯里兰卡一种常见的轻软、有弹性的米粉)。

Ilham and Zaharan entered the restaurant from different sides。 At about 8:50 a.m。, they blew themselves up。


周六,科伦坡圣安东尼教堂内,消防队员将积水从被毁坏、被血洗的教堂内部清理出来。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Thirty-three people were killed at the Shangri-La, including three of Povlsen’s four children。 It is not clear how the blast killed half the family and spared the rest。


In a photo taken at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka in Colombo a few hours later, a man who appears to be Povlsen clutches a mobile phone to his ear, his shirt stained with blood, his left eye nearly swollen shut。 When a Sri Lankan journalist asked to speak to him, he shook his head。

数小时后在科伦坡的斯里兰卡国立医院(National Hospital of Sri Lanka)拍到的一张照片显示,一名似乎是波尔森的男子抓着一部手机到耳边,他的衬衫布满血渍,左眼肿到几乎睁不开。当一名斯里兰卡记者请求与他交谈时,他摇了摇头。

At the Cinnamon Grand, CCTV footage shows Inshaf, wearing a backpack and ball cap, stepping into the buffet room。 But then he stops。 He walks forward and then back, forward and then back, several times, his body tight。


“He was clearly reluctant,” the family member said。 “He was always more connected to people than Ilham。”


But whatever hesitation he might have been feeling, Inshaf overcame it。 He killed himself and 20 others。


Within minutes of one another, seven suicide bombers across Sri Lanka detonated backpacks stuffed with powerful explosives, blowing apart people at three hotels and three churches。


Because Ilham used his real identification card when he checked into Shangri-La, the police quickly figured out who he was。 Within hours, constables swarmed the Ibrahim mansion。


They were greeted at the door by a woman who then turned and dashed up the stairs。 It was Fatima, Ilham’s wife。


At the top of the stairs in front of her three children, Fatima blew herself up, killing three police officers and all the children, ages 5, 4 and 9 months。 Police officials said she might have been pregnant, too。


Ibrahim, the family patriarch, was handcuffed to a police officer and taken away。


作者:Jeffrey Gettleman, Kai Schultz, Mujib Mashal and Russell Goldman

