特朗普当选总统 母校宾大的学生们不喜反悲
宾夕法尼亚大学——这座特朗普当年的母校——在过去的18个月中一直拒绝对这位校友的行为进行官方表态。但在竞选结果出来后,UMOJA、Penn First、穆斯林学生会和亚裔学生会等多个学校社团和组织集体找到校长安妮·古特曼博士,有些学生甚至当场情绪崩溃,痛哭失声。
To the Duke community:
A particularly hard-fought and divisive election season, one that was marked by a high degree of negativity, has come to an end, and America has elected a new president。 Whatever positions we held in this contest, weall have a stake in the future health of the national community, so we all need to find ways to lessen negativism and division and to reengage the common good。
At this time of national change, I write to remind you that this university has its own abiding values, which carry protections and obligations for us all。 Duke’s mission is built on the ground of respect for differences。 The university is intentionally diverse and inclusive because encounters with different perspectives, beliefs and ways of thinking lead to a more comprehensive understanding—in politics as in every domain。 For this reason, each member of this community deserves the full respect of every other and owes everyone the same respect in return。 And we must not simply tolerate difference of opinions but create the conditions for respectful dialogue that allow mutual education to take place。
In the coming days and weeks, Duke’s intellectual community, informed by the research and expertise of our faculty, will help us to understand the meaning of this election for America。 I hope you will participate in upcomingdiscussions with faculty, staff and fellow students to analyze this singular year in American politics and to debate the particulars of the way forward。
Most importantly, while our government undergoes a transition, this university remains steadfast in its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and the free exchange of ideas, and we are unwavering in our supportfor the value of each member of our community。
Richard Brodhead
Message Regarding the President Election
Dear fellow members of the Columbia community:
I am writing because of concerns for our community arising out of yesterday’s national election。 Certainly, not in my lifetime has there been a choice that is embraced by so many while also causing feelings of apprehension and vulnerability among so many others, including many students, faculty, and staff across our diverse University community。
There are three primary challenges for the country and, more importantly for purposes of this letter, for our community。 The first is that those in distress have the right opportunities to raise and discuss whatever anxieties they are feeling now。 I will be personally engaged in this dialogue, and I strongly urge you to seek out the discussions and meetings being planned throughout the University by all schools and departments。 The second is that we not let different viewpoints about this election, strong as the feelings on every side might be, descend into intolerance or intimidation。 This requires strong intellectual character on all our parts。 And the third point is that we all have to make sure that we are able to continue on with the work of scholarship and teaching, which is not only our central mission but ultimately the best answer to overcoming divisions and even the risk, feared by many, that our principles may be violated。
In these moments, we must turn to our fundamental values, among them a commitment to freedom of thought and expression, dedication to tolerance and reason, respect for diversity and differing points of view, and a determination to do what we do with the utmost integrity and courage。
Lee C·Bollinger
Letter to the MIT community regarding the new administration in Washington
Today, we learned that we will have a new administration in Washington that promises a great deal of change。
今天,我们得知,华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C。)将成立新的领导政府,而新政府必将进行一系列的改革和变化。
Within the global MIT community — more than 26,000 of us here in Cambridge and at Lincoln Lab, and 134,000 alumni — some will find those changes welcome。 Some will not。
As I saw this afternoon, students have wrapped the six great columns in Lobby 7 with huge sheets of paper。 Three ask that you “Share Your Hopes,” three to “Share Your Fears。” They are covered with handwritten responses。 People are lingering to read and add their own。
Many say they fear for the future of the country, some for their personal safety, for their civil rights or that “my values no longer matter。” Others fear that their peers will never take the time to understand why they voted for the winner。 One hope struck me in particular: “I hope to understand the 48 percent of Americans who disagree with me。”
Nearly all the writers express some kind of pain。 Yet together they have created a wonderful example of mutual respect and civil dialogue。
Whatever may change in Washington, I believe there is great power in remembering that it will not change the values and the mission that unite us。
As a community and as a practical force for good, MIT is a quintessential expression of America at its best: Bold, optimistic and focused on inventing the future。 Delighted and energized by our diversity, with a meritocratic openness to talent, culture and ideas from anywhere。 Humble, pragmatic, crazy about science and insistent on seeking the facts。 A place of rigor, ingenuity and real-world problem-solving, where generations of bright young minds have come from every corner of the Earth to make something of themselves and work together to make a better world。
That is MIT。
Nothing can change that。 And nothing can change our commitment to tackling big, important problems for humanity — climate change, clean energy, cybersecurity, human health — with colleagues of every identity and background。
As an institution, we do some of our best work when we turn outward to the world。 Let‘s continue to do that now。 And, following our students’ lead, let us find ways to listen to one another — with sympathy, humility, decency, respect and kindness。
L.Rafael Reif